Vagabond Girl

Here’s another look at the Personal Web. UNFORTUNATELY, the creative talent behind this blog stopped blogging in 2011. FORTUNATELY, she has left her blog in place, at least for now, complete with photos and a great account of her adventures, one post at a time.

Calia is a Canadian woman
, traveling the world alone and blogging about her adventures. As she puts it:

I have very few definite plans really. I intend to fly (no pun intended) by the seat of my pants and follow wherever whims (and budget) take me. That’s how this entire thing started anyway. I woke up one morning and thought about what it would be like if I wasn’t the me that lives in Toronto, but another me that had a different life. That other me had decided to go back to my roots and be a vagabond / nomad. Toronto me started to feel distant and insignificant, so here I am starting on my real world vagabonding adventure. (Yes, this started with a daydream that ran out of control. Trust me, anyone that knows me wouldn’t think that unusual in the slightest. :))

There’s so many places that I’ve always dreamed of visiting Mexico, Peru, Egypt, Ankor Wat in Cambodia and I very much want to visit Europe again for the summer since there was a lot I didn’t get to see last time. The world is also changing fast, I’d like to be able to look back and remember things that I actually witnessed and experienced, not just stuff I saw on telly or read about online.

Lots of neat photographs and interesting thoughts about her various adventures. Enjoy it here.

And here’s the background story on WHY she decided to travel in the first place.

Interesting reading; enjoy!
originally published elsewhere, 7/11/11