Superb Interview of Japan Quake Survivors

Here’s an excellent, first-person account of how two people in Japan are coping with the aftermath of the quake/tsunami/reactor drama, from The Global Post.
originally posted 3/21/2011

tags: earthquake,Japan nuclear disaster,Japan nuclear plants,Japan quake,Japan tsunami,tidal wave,tsunami

Washington Monument Closed Indefinitely

Yesterday’s 5.8-magnitude earthquake on the East Coast claimed a rather unexpected casualty: The Washington Monument.

Structural damage was apparently severe and the monument will be closed to visitors indefinitely. Here’s a quick read from The LA Times.

I can remember visiting this iconic landmark as a child of four, when my family lived in McLean, Virginia. My grandfather, who had a horrendous fear of heights, braved the ride up the elevator and held me up so I could see all of Washington with a “bird’s eye view.”

For many visitors, the monument IS Washington. Only time will tell if they can repair it or if it will have to be rebuilt. I really can’t imagine the skyline without it…
Originally published 8/24/11

Random Rambling

When I was a young writer, I had so much to say and felt it desperately needed saying. Life. Death. Love. Need. Loss. Trials. Errors. Tell the story, save humanity from itself.

And then I grew up.

And now, it’s all so clear to me. I know nothing. And have even less to say about it.

The Ignorance of Youth is the Gift of the Gods.

It’s the intoxicating brew that lets us step into the unknown, full of confidence that we, in fact, know EVERYTHING.

It’s a limitation of the brain that makes an acorn think it’s an oak tree. The potential is there, but an acorn is no more an oak than a College Kid is his Father. But who thinks he’s the better of the two?

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More info and the beginnings of the site are soon to come.

For now, this is just a placeholder post.

UPDATE 12/20/13: Now it’s a reminder of the beginnings of this site : )