The Secret’s Out


“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” –Buddha

A Time To Live, A Time To Die

Stewart Selman
Stewart Selman
One of the most touching stories I’ve read is one that’s stuck with me for several years: the story of Stewart Selman.

Selman was a regular guy, living life as we all do, expecting it to just keep unfolding as it always had.

Then, came a diagnosis: brain cancer. A terminal diagnosis.

Stewart made an unusual choice: he decided to create an audio diary for his family, memorializing his last days and reminiscing about their lives together. You can read more about this and listen to parts of Selman’s diary here.

Embrace life! As a poet (Robert Herrick) once said, “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”

A Father’s Love

Here’s a great story from the New York Times.

Dr. Alberto Costa, once a neuroscientist in Houston, altered the course of his research when his daughter, Tyche, was born. He’s searching for a drug that can help improve the rate of hippocampal development in people with Down’s Syndrome.

His studies have broad implications for everyone, regarding memory improvement and boosting mental performance.

Click here for this fascinating read!